
Tyneside Kidney Patients Association

What is PatientView?

PatientView provides secure access to your blood tests, clinic letters, and medicines. You'll find tailored information links, from accurate and reliable sources. PV2 (2015) introduced secure messaging. We hope it will help you manage your condition more effectively.

Who can use PatientView?

See the full list here. If you want to convince your local service to join, you or they might be interested in becoming a partner, or in becoming a new unit of an existing specialty.

How do I Join?

Contact Hazel Marchant, Renal Department, Freeman Hospital. Newcastle [email protected] Tel 0191 223 1429

What if I don't use the Internet?

Maybe you have a friend or family member that does? There's often internet access available in public libraries. Please ensure that when using a public computer you always safely logout and close the web browser.

What does it cost?

It's free for patients. Participating centres pay a modest subscription.

Where did it come from?

There's more info about PatientView and its history at See History, or Intro to PV first.

If I join, can I change my mind?

Yes, you can. If you do, we remove all medical data about you.