Renal Social Workers

Tyneside Kidney Patients Association

What We Do

There are three part-time Social Workers based in the Renal Unit at Freeman Hospital. They are Jo Bates, Ang Thompson and Corinne Nichol. Our work covers Ward 32 (in-patient ward), Ward 31 (dialysis ward), Renal Clinical Investigations Unit, Out-patients, all home dialysis patients (haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis) and pre-dialysis patients.

The Social Workers are required to work within a statutory and legislative framework and are required to take into account both the patients and their carer’s needs. They are also responsible for understanding appropriate safeguarding procedures.

The Social Workers are part of a multi-disciplinary team in the renal unit and regularly discuss patients with other professionals within the renal unit to ensure that the appropriate services/support is being considered.

Most referrals come from nurses or doctors involved with patients but people are able to refer themselves to us.

The majority of referrals about patients on Ward 32 are made because patients may require an assessment for services to support them when they are discharged home. (It may be because the person has been struggling to manage at home or that they will need short term support on discharge from hospital until they have recovered from their acute illness).

Patients who are referred from other parts of the unit may be referred because they are struggling to cope with their illness or physical condition. They may be struggling financially and need assistance to apply for benefits or grants or may need information about moving to more appropriate accommodation. The Social Workers will consider the practical, social, emotional and psychological needs of the patient and other appropriate support where possible.

The Freeman Renal Unit is a regional unit and so the Social Workers regularly need to provide assessments for other local authorities or liaise with organisations across the North of England.

Occasionally we are approached with questions or queries that we are unable to deal with ourselves but in these situations we will try and find out who would be appropriate to deal with the issue and pass on the information.

If anyone has any questions about the services that we provide, please do not hesitate to contact us by:

Telephoning Newcastle Hospitals on (0191) 213 7393 and asking for the Renal Social Workers at the Freeman
Email to [email protected]
Fax to (0191) 285 3455
Post to Renal Social Worker, Adult Services Directorate.