Tyneside Kidney Patients Association
The Young Adult Kidney Fund is a local charitable fund which supports the Young Adult Kidney Service at the Freeman Hospital.
Where does the money go?
Donations help us to keep on providing this valuable service by:
Subsidising social events where young adults can meet - many people are low-paid or unemployed due to the chronic nature of their illness, so paying for social events can be difficult.
Getting young adults involved in the Transplant Games in the UK and abroad. This is a great chance to celebrate life, keep fit and have fun socialising with others who have received transplants and families who have donated the organs of their loved ones. Attending the UK transplant games costs around £210 per person.
Paying for young adult-friendly information leaflets and facilities for the clinic.
Subsidising individual exercise programmes - currently around £55 per session.
Training a young adult to become a peer supporter - currently around £65 per person for a five day programme.
Providing a specific ‘moving-on’ group for those who are 25-30 years old.